Pastor Charles Winfield and First Lady Vanessa Winfield
Church History
Our Beginning - Fresh Start Ministries
In February 2005, the Lord called Pastor Charles Winfield to Discipleship. Pastor Winfield knew that God had placed a special call on his life to win souls to the Kingdom, and as a result, he has worked enthusiastically and diligently for the Lord to honor and fulfill his assignment.
Several years before the Ministry began, Pastor Winfield started a morning prayer session with colleagues during their breaks; many participated and turned their lives over to the Lord. Continuing the work of reaching, connecting and teaching people God’s Word, Pastor Winfield organized a weekly bible study where people of various denominations came together to receive the Word of God, to fellowship and to testify of God’s goodness occurring in their lives. Pastor Winfield thankfully accepted what was occurring and obeyed the Pastoral Call of the Lord placed upon his life to share the transformational, life-changing Word of God!

In an early morning vision, the Lord gave Pastor Winfield the name of what the Ministry would be called, “Fresh Start Ministries.” Pastor Winfield, affectionately known as “Pastor Fresh,” wanted the church to exist for new beginnings. He wanted it to be a place for people of all races, a place for caring and sharing with others, a place for love and warmth, a place for healing and a place for celebrating God’s redeeming grace. He held his first church service in a Union Hall on Detroit’s Westside with 16 charter members, February 2005. Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. (Job 8:7)

From the very beginning, Pastor Winfield shared with the Fresh Start members, “God is going to bless us with a church home without having a building fund,” and the Lord did just that! With humility of heart, private devotion and public prayer, Pastor Fresh pursued God and knew that He would move in miraculous fashion. He instructed his members to be faithful in tithe and offerings and to watch what God would do. We moved into our first church home in September 2007! God is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. (Ephesians 3:20)
As the Ministry continues to grow, in June 2018, God blessed us to move into a larger church facility! We give all the Glory to God! May we never forget that we are what we are by the grace of God alone and all that we have, we have received by and through His grace!
We give all the Glory to God and take none for ourselves.