Our Beliefs
What Do We Believe?
We believe the Holy Bible is the Inspired Word of God and that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament constitutes the standard of Divine Rule in Christian Faith and Practice. We believe in the true and living God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and that Jesus is Lord and Savior of the World. We believe in the Trinity and that Jesus represents the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Why Should You Attend Church?
The Church develops individuals in the knowledge and the spirit of Christ and teaches one how to establish a daily relationship. We attend church to worship and to fellowship with other Christians (Galations 3:5) to learn and develop the attributes of christian living to become genuine, dedicated believers of God. Regular and consistent church attendance develops the believer so as they encounter lifeʼs challenges and experiences, individuals will develop patience and endurance to sustain and go through these instances.
Why Attend Fresh Start Ministries?
Fresh Start Ministries is a Non-Denominational Ministry dedicated to reaching lost souls and to the restoration of the broken-hearted. Our vision is to bring restoration and healing to those that are hurting and lost through the preached word of the gospel and to show God’s love and kindness to all those who visit our Ministry. Individuals are taught God’s Divine Word and how to live a prosperous, effective Christian life while preparing for life eternal.
What to Expect When You Visit?
Fresh Start Ministries believes in expressing the Gifts of the Spirit. You will feel Godʼs presence through the embodiment of the Holy Spirit and will undoubtedly be moved to sing, dance, praise and worship in the presence of the Lord. During your visit, we pray you will be inspired by the preached word, edified by the songs of praise, and that all will feel free to do whatever the Holy Spirit dictates!
What Do I Need to Do to Be Saved?
Individuals must repent of their sins, genuinely ask God for His total and complete forgiveness and cleansing of every unrighteous thought, deed and act of sin and ask God to come into their lives to save their mind, body and soul fully and completely. While individuals were created in the image of God and because salvation is achieved through the renouncing of sin and asking God to forgive and to save, it is our responsibility to turn (stop) from sin and to walk daily with the Lord. We believe in water baptism as a Christian practice signifying the shedding of the old man celebrating the conversion experience. While water baptism is not a requirement of salvation, the Bible states all Christians should experience this symbolic event.